Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

after almost 3 years

What happened after almost three years?
First, it's all about me.. Still, i'm the first one who write the new entri. Teteph and Na already asked me about this blog email and the pw. You both.. Disappointing deeeh.. 😒
But life (and this blog) still must go on..
I finally finished my very long study and graduated at the end of 2013. Who's the one who really felt grateful? I'll say my mom and of course me. I didn't have to pay any college fee again and my mom finally didn't have to give me money anymore. Hahahaha..
Talking about money.. I remember my very best friend, Teteph, who still believing me when no one didn't. When I couldn't afford my college fee, she offering me help. So now I can have SI.Kom title in the end of my name.. *sobbing* thank you sistaa.. Jasamu tak akan terlupakan..
What am I doing now? After graduated, I was jobless. All I could do was helping my mom shop (actually I'm helping her every weekend until now) and did some freelance job. Designing.. But it's not often. Until someone from Garment Company in Solo called me. Offering me job. And I took it, and I work there till now. How is the job? Still, I have to be friends with computer 😄 counting and counting..
How about my family? I got cute naughty nephew and niece, named Ehren and Adeline. Adeline just got 2 last Saturday. And I'll get one more next August 😁..

Enough with me..

Who's got married 💑 among us??
First, Teteph and Ricky Jimme.. Congratulatiooooons!! 🎉
June 22nd 2014 was the happiest day for them.
Teteph looked beautiful (finally) and Jimme romantically sang love songs to her.
I'm (still) happy for you both!
The second are...... Koped and Tiwi..
Congratulatiooooons!! 🎊

Oct 18th 2014 was the day when they aren't two but one. Be a great man yo Ped! Waiting for lil' Koped / Tiwi soon!! 😄
Who's gonna be next?
Surely, Bebe and Marianna this August..
Kakaak?? Kw kapan? Hahahaha ak kapan?? 😂
Who's in the city?
Kakak Rocky, Shianny work in Jakarta, Koped and wife in Tangerang, Kak Dika in Bogor? Natacha, Vita in Yogyakarta, Bebe and Mar and Me and Krit in Solo, Teteph and Jimme in Denpasar, and last but not forgotten, Nina in Bangkok..
Live our own life..

Miss you guys.. As always 😘

with ❤, F2

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