Sabtu, 16 Desember 2017


Hellow Desember 2017

Hi my Bro N Sis...

ada yg merasa gaksih time flies so fast,tiba tiba udah desember lagi.

tiba tiba inget ada blog ini n lagi ingin buat share,, huft mulai dari mana ya???

mmm masalah saat ini sepertinya mengelilingi kakak dan menyelinap dalam hidup kakak gak berasa tapi any something wrong with me, mungkin apa kakak lagi mau memutuskan berhenti kerja untuk pindah ke SOLO ya...seperti akan mengakiri semua yg udah kakak create di jkt dan mulai nol lagi di kota tercinta SOLO denagn berbagai info perekoomian lagi jalan ditempat dan menurun dan serba bener bener bingung dari ruko buat buka toko yang belum dapet,,keuangan yg semakin tipis karena adi tambah lagi istriku tercinta lagi ada masalah di tulang belakangnya dan masi bingung juga belum menumukan DR yang pas dan cocok untuk menangani sakit tulang yg di hadapi istriku we call her name MELI aja ihiih..ya mungkin ini cobaan terberat ku selama hidup...semua serba nanggung dan gak tau mana dulu yg aq bisa raih saat ini.saat focus dgn Meli eh DRnya give Up,,saat mau Focus ma toko listrik di solo semuanya seakan buntu, dari toko blm ketemu yg cocok,ada yg cocok harganya udah M semua satuan belakangnya hufttt tapi bukan kakak klo gak bisa mikirin harus ngapain dulu akhirnya kakak & Meli coba buka Online dulu toko listrik namannya Toko Aneka Terang " (gaya mau promo sekalian mbok dipayoni terus di koment yg bagoes wkkwkw) tapi terlepas dari itu semua saat ini feeling kakak bener bener lagi campur mawut berdebar rasa takut ini huft sungguh menyebalkan .....

mau nulis apa lagi ya susah banget ngungkapin real perasaan i call silent fear,,,ada gak sih ya dari kalian yg pernah mengalami ini...

Oiya selamat buat Tunangannya Pepe ma Joel....cepetan Married....biar hidup lebih berwarna n menyenangkan..(nikah itu nyenengin D )

dah dulu ya segitu dulu keluh kesahku hahahah

huftt lumayan lega bisa shared dikit disini

good night
Tuhan Yesus memberkati selalu all off U guys

write by Rocky

Sabtu, 10 Juni 2017

Two Years Later...

Time's really gone so fast!
2 years after I wrote below post, on the train on my way to Jogja after work. And now June 2017, I'm at home with my mom..
Reading this blog, make me want to write more 😄 but I'm not comfortable to write with my phone. It couldn't upload pic or video! 😐😐
Last time if I'm not wrong, Teteph and Kakak asked for the user-id and pw. But I'm overestimated, I thought I will surprise found one of them write a new story 😔 *sigh..
If you guys, some one, in BiCamp read this, want to write, contact me for user-id and pw.
Now, everyone has their own life, matter, situation and condition. I feel like I don't really have right to write it here 😅 Even in instagram, I made one account, special to publish my niece and nephews pictures. I'm planning to stop upload it until they know smartphone and they can upload and tell story by themselves. So I wouldn't upload their naked or shameful pic anymore 😄 (they're still baby now), well, kind of respect from their auntie..
Now almost all members in BiCamp are married, have a child, and have their own social media. So I'm not expecting much if they will read or even write here. Hahahah pity me 😂
Well, I'm happy to write again and talk about our current situation 😅
also practice my English here 😁

See you when I see you 😚

with 💕,

Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

after almost 3 years

What happened after almost three years?
First, it's all about me.. Still, i'm the first one who write the new entri. Teteph and Na already asked me about this blog email and the pw. You both.. Disappointing deeeh.. 😒
But life (and this blog) still must go on..
I finally finished my very long study and graduated at the end of 2013. Who's the one who really felt grateful? I'll say my mom and of course me. I didn't have to pay any college fee again and my mom finally didn't have to give me money anymore. Hahahaha..
Talking about money.. I remember my very best friend, Teteph, who still believing me when no one didn't. When I couldn't afford my college fee, she offering me help. So now I can have SI.Kom title in the end of my name.. *sobbing* thank you sistaa.. Jasamu tak akan terlupakan..
What am I doing now? After graduated, I was jobless. All I could do was helping my mom shop (actually I'm helping her every weekend until now) and did some freelance job. Designing.. But it's not often. Until someone from Garment Company in Solo called me. Offering me job. And I took it, and I work there till now. How is the job? Still, I have to be friends with computer 😄 counting and counting..
How about my family? I got cute naughty nephew and niece, named Ehren and Adeline. Adeline just got 2 last Saturday. And I'll get one more next August 😁..

Enough with me..

Who's got married 💑 among us??
First, Teteph and Ricky Jimme.. Congratulatiooooons!! 🎉
June 22nd 2014 was the happiest day for them.
Teteph looked beautiful (finally) and Jimme romantically sang love songs to her.
I'm (still) happy for you both!
The second are...... Koped and Tiwi..
Congratulatiooooons!! 🎊

Oct 18th 2014 was the day when they aren't two but one. Be a great man yo Ped! Waiting for lil' Koped / Tiwi soon!! 😄
Who's gonna be next?
Surely, Bebe and Marianna this August..
Kakaak?? Kw kapan? Hahahaha ak kapan?? 😂
Who's in the city?
Kakak Rocky, Shianny work in Jakarta, Koped and wife in Tangerang, Kak Dika in Bogor? Natacha, Vita in Yogyakarta, Bebe and Mar and Me and Krit in Solo, Teteph and Jimme in Denpasar, and last but not forgotten, Nina in Bangkok..
Live our own life..

Miss you guys.. As always 😘

with ❤, F2

Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

what happen today?

JULY 21st 2012

Happy 26 Birthdaaaay Sarinah!!

Happy 6 Anniversary Teteeph & Jimmeeeh!!

God Bless You
(as always)



Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Beberapa Berita Gembira

afteeeeerr... several months, tak ada tindak-tanduk nyata dari bbrp personel Bi-camp (sungguh menguciwokan) (T-T) ... marilah diupdate kawaaan \(>o<)/

berita pertama, kunjungan beberapa sobat lama...>> Teteph, Jimme n Kakak..
yaaa, seperti yang kita tau, bbrp personel, wes nyebar to other cities! dah pada kerja, n sulit buat ketemu n hengot bareng.. betapa membahagiakannyaaa *rd lebe sithik* akhire isa kumpul2 lagi, walo ga semua :D
Teteph bulan apa ya itu ke Jgj ne? maret ya? pokoke cm temu bentar maleme,
have dinner tok, soale besoke langsung cuzz temu kangen ma A'ak Jimme, pake acara dompet keri d rumah segala, sg diileng cm tiketnyaa sih. kesusu abis yaaa..wkwkwk... :D
Trs ga lama, 12 April giliran si Om dtg ke Jgj, sek tetep slompret sih ya? slompret'e ngangeni tapi, *cieeeh..
masi samaaa bentuke, cm bertambah gosong ae xD
Hungry Jimmeh
 Truuuus giliran Braderr Rocky kunjungan ke Jogja. right now de'se sibuk dipindah kerja di Ungaran, tgl 15, dateng deh pagi2 ke Jogja sm Dika :] sayange pas ak ada acara pagi itu, smp siang, jadi kakak pigi nonton sm maem sm cha2 n edo :D
Tapi sukur deh maleme isa ketemu, sm de'se sempet cramah gituuu.. ga pake nginep! maleme lgsg pulang Ungaran..
kakak n nyu gad-get *dibacamentah*
Yaaaaah! yang laeenee ditunggu kunjungane, smp Agustus, soale masa kontrakan akan abis tgl7! x((

Theeeen, beberapa dah tau nek i'm gonna be an Aunty!
yes right, ga lagi nasi, akhirnya my biggest sista berisikan keponakanku ;DD
kanan tu kliatan ga? nephew Ehren :D
Yeeeey!! :D sekarang dah masuk bln 5 pa ya? lupak xP

Berita gembira ne lagi,
i got a new fan from beloved housemates kemaren!! cool!!
my new blue fan :D sg pink sg udah dud x( 
chococake :9
Very happy! so surprise pokoke, surprise bkne gr2 ada cake ada kado, tp ga ada pembantaian ky tahun lalu sg pake acara dicencang ng tiang...selamat lah hari itu, mg2 dah ga ada niat2 jahat lah di ati mereka.. *fiuuhh
foto tkp :B
that's ol buat saat ini :D

oyee, Nina ngentri belum kelar pa kok masuk draft?
trs untuk personel Koped di KlatenCity, @David_Budianto kok tidak dapat ditemukan yaaak?
ana apa? ana apa?
tell us.. tell us!

pokoke can't wait for new story next time!! :D
berharape sih dr personel laen (- 3-)


Rabu, 09 November 2011

dirgahayu Ricky Jefta!!!

genap berusia seperempat abad,
teman kita,

wish you all the best!!!

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

look what Nina brought!

a BULE..
from UK.. how come?
as friend, kita dah tau ya keinginannya untuk hangout keluar negeri,
keluar pulau, bahkan keluar kota! krn bbrp hal emg belum kelaksana semua,
so, mboh seko ndi, de'e akhire gabung dalam komunitas
Couch Surfing! just click it out for more details!

jadi tanpa de'e pigi kluar, lewat cerita pengalaman2 mereka,
de'e (n temen2 serumah, including me), jadi banyak tau lah,
soal apa ae sg ada d luar Indonesia! (yo ra Na?)
aaaand... jujur, bener2 menarik! :D

so! this is Del, backpacker from UK,
( capung)

dateng ke Jogja buat liak Candi2...
sebelum de'e dtg ke rumah, de'e dah pigi dw k Prambanan,
trs maleme, ak sm Nina jemput de'e d Kantor Pos, d Malioboro..
pertama liak, bentukane wes ketok nek backpacker sejati!
tas'e, masyaoloooh...huabot!
(Nina nyoba mbawa pas hari ke2)

bar njemput, lgsg pulang rmh, adus2, trs pigi maem bakmi jowo,
diperkenalkan dengan Balungan/ tengkleng pitik..hahaha nggumun de'e...
Ki londone rodo koplak oq, snge mbanyol...opo2 dicobo..
Besoke, ak Yoelius Edo nemeni de'e pigi Borobudur, mbrompit...
20k buat org lokal, trs Del kena tiket 127k, muni2 de'e, hahahah
Foto2ne akeh, dari kamerane de'e, sm kamerane Edo...
tp skrg ak me crito bukan buka ajang narsis, hahahah...

maleme, de'e kasi liak isi laptope,
foto2 slama d Jepang (sblm ke Indo) sm d Oz..
mbanyol! foto2 mbe kewan2 sg mati d jln, handstand d bekgron sg beda2,
foto2 d rumah ninja, dll..
sampe akhire tuker2an film. kita dpt film tnp teks (you know la),
de'e dpt film tnp busana (you definitely know what is it!), hahahahah xD

Rencanae cm nginep sehari d rmh
maleme, de'e kita ajak maem Nasi Padang d selokan UGM,
buat nyoba RENDANG, sg denger2 lagi beken di dunia maya sbg maeman nomor 1, mboh semana...

dikasi Na tshirts, soale pas d Borobudur de'e crt katane butuh kaos..
(ki fotone bedo, ora editan, nyet posene podo..hahahaah)

trs Herlina dateng bawake Jagung bakar, nanonano pedes...
enak katane...
trs foto sek,
trs ngombe kepedesen...wkwkwk...

bar maem, semua nganter de'e ke stasiun Tugu,
(setelah ambil foto hand stand e de'e d dpn Tugu)...tapiiiii...
kentekan tiket, akhire muleh neh k rmh, hahahah...
perjalanan pulang de'e nyoba pake motor, awale takgoncengke, jd ak sg digoncengke...
kaki kirine pernah ada masalah, jd g gitu isa gerak banyak,
akhire batal pk jupie, trs pk Miyobi ne Na.. wes expert oq, no problemo..

Bsk e, buat jaga2 g kentekan tiket, Nina sg order tiket pas d kantor...

Selama d rumah, cm 3 kata paling, sg de'e inget...
Trims, Sama2, Asu...




finally besok malem'e, setelah siange de'e jalan2 dw d Jakal smp keblasuk ga iso muleh, trs dipetuk cha2, malem e ikot Nina ke Amplaz, Nina kerja, de'e jln2 dewe..kita nganter de'e lg ke Stasiun Tugu..

he goes to Jakarta, nemoni temene..
sblme, de'e ninggali postcard (blm smpt takfoto), buat semua d rmh..
isine, de'e dtg ke Indo buat liak temple, malah skrg lupa soal temple gr2 asik sm kita,hahaha, dst.. ucapan perpisahan la..

TQ Nina... :* buat experience bareng2 nyaa...
oh, fyi, stlh Del, ada lg foreigner sg dtg rmh, Katherine and her daughter, Beatrice...dr Canada,
tp rung sempet foto2, soale mereka jadwale padet bgt, pergi seharian, plg lgsg istirahat..
next time kali ya, mgkn Nina pny fotone...

oya, about CS,
Chacha juga punya account d CS, tp blm gitu diurus...
ak nggae, tp mandeg, soale ketoke prosedure ribet xP hahaha

cuma ga mbayangke ae, nek lebih dr Nina ada sg buka CS lg, suwe2 kabeh turu ruang tamu, hahaha! trs mesti minta ke Borobudur trs, (-__-)" what theee... wkwkwk

OK deh, gitu tok sg iso takcrtake, detail2 sg lebih detail, bakalan huakeh, jd mending nek crt scr langsung wae...

that's it!! bye :D


BeBe finally goes home!!

Wes suwe sih balike...awal september yo ketoke,
(saking suwene ngasi lali xP) hahahahah...
hari ke brp stlh de'e smp solo, Bebe dolan Jogja len,
mbe Ajay, trs nginep rumah Jakal..bobok kmre Cha2...
kesan2e....umm... tambah subur lah sg pasti!
dhuwur tetep sek ky cagak ting! hahahaha...
Berita buruk'e...he didn't bring any gift!!!
ra oleh2 ndes!!! (>o<)""" = sek ra trimo...

Trs, kapan hari pas ak me blk jgj,
ak mampir solo, soale dah suwe g ketemu Uuk mbe Nene
sejak Juli (ultahe Uuk)...trs ngajak Bebe metu,
usut punya usut, de'e jadi pengacara d Solo,hahaha,
trs jagongan d Atria (mboh opo wi jenenge, lali)

Then, here we are...

f2 :]

Kamis, 01 September 2011

Dear All

Sobat, when i googled my name i found this...

My Self


Hello, my name is Kenan Fabri Hartanto but all of my friends usually call me Kenan. I'm currently 22, and will be 23 on the next first February. I was born at Solo, a lovely town located at the east of Yogyakarta. At my hometown I live at Perum Motiara Indah III BC 36-37, Baki, Sukoharjo. On 2007 I began my study in Sanata Dharma University so I have to move to Yogyakarta and lived in a boarding house. In Sanata Dharma I'm studying in the English Letters Department. It's the 4th year of my study now and I'm currently working on my thesis (sort of).

I'm a person with a bad temper. If my day is very hectic I will get panic and when I'm already panic I'll get mad easily, but now I'm gradually training myself to control my emotion. I'm much more patient in dealing with things now.

I find a huge joy in travelling and having adventures with my friends, doing many new crazy and stupid things. I like reading books and I'm training myself to write as well.

My Family


This is my family. The beautiful girl wearing Toga is my older sister, her name is Sabrina Hartanto, a graduate from Atma jaya University Yogyakarta. Right in the middle is my beloved mother and her name is Diete Iriyanti. The man standing beside my mother is, without any doubt, my father. His name is Tony Hartanto.

To tell you the truth, I'm not very close to my family. Mostly I spend my time outside hanging out with may friends, or locking up myself in my bedroom. In conclusion I don't have much to tell about my family, but I'll try my best to give you my story about them. Later on, perhaps I'll tell you why I'm not that close to them.

For a starter, let me start with my mother. Like me, in my perspective, she's a woman with a bad temper. In my family, if I may use a metaphor to describe her, she is a volcano which can erupt at any time she wants to. When she wants me to be, or to do something then there hardly a way to make her change her mind. When I was a child she often punished me when I was naughty. She often locked me up in the bathroom with the lights off, and in other time she beat me. Let me tell you, Its kind of traumatic. I never be really close to her, there's always a space between me and her, though it is much better now. I guess, being old soften her a bit.

On the contrary, my father is a rather calm and patient man. I really look up to him. He is very hard working man. In the morning he helps my mother taking care of my little sister, who's now at her naugtiest age, and after my mother goes to work he drive my little sister to school. He then goes to work and gets home at 17.00. By that time, he then do house chores again, without even complaining. Ah, love you father.


Here is my sister, my Mbak Na. My childhood was full with a fight of her. We often quarelled because of stupid matters such as deciding what channel on television to watch. I rarely chat with her, as I do with the rest of the family. Though we're not really close she still act nice to me, she even buy me a new cell phone. Now my sister has graduated and currently seeking a job. I do wish her the best.


Lastly, I present you my little sister, Gracia Aprodita Hartanto (I gave her that name). You can call her by just Grace. She's on the first grade of elementary school now. She was very naughty before school. Once she killed a bucket of little cat fish by pouring detergent into the water, can you imagine that? I'm the one who spend the least time with her because I rarely goes home to Solo. Everytime I'm home she will hug me all the time, unwilling to let go, she says "I miss you." Ah, how sweet is that?

Well, I guess that is all for now, see you in another story. Thank you.

